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By ROH Wrestling on 12/2/2008 10:11 AM
On July 25, 2008, Ring of Honor went north of the border for Northern Navigation in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  Those canucks always make for a good crowd, so let's see if they wrestling can match their enthusiasm.


Larry Sweeney has a letter from Ring of Honor officials.  He says Brent Albright won't be here this weekend because he is recovering.  It's time for Sweet n' Sour, Inc. to take Toronto.


Then Rhett Titus is in the back cutting a promo about what is in store for Daizee Haze and the ladies.  The students tease him.  He shows off a video.


Chris Hero vs. Ruckus


Ruckus and Hero have a history from Combat Zone Wrestling.  Sweeney runs down Canada before the match.  Hero gets the early advantage with an elbow.  Ruckus comes back with an armdrag and dropkick for two.  Hero elbows Ruckus to the floor.  Hero rolls him back in the ring and covers for two.  Kicks to the head of Ruckus.  Hero keeps on Ruckus in the corner.


Hero misses a boot and gets pinned with a standing rana for two.  Hero rolls through a sunset flip and boots Ruckus in the head for two.  Boots to the back of Ruckus' head.  Hero saps Ruckus' energy with a cravate.  Ruckus fires back and hits a Pele Kick and Hero bails.  Ruckus dives over the top rope onto Hero.  He rolls him back in the ring.  Hagadorn follows.  His interference backfires and Ruckus hits Razzle Dazzle on Hero.  He gets two with a back slide.  Hero with another Roaring Elbow and Elbow Strikes.  Kick to the head and Hero wins.


Your winner, Chris Hero!


More from Rhett Titus in the back.  He offers to show Bryan Danielson his video.  Dragon pities the sad little man.


Delirious vs. Kenny Omega


Omega is a rising star in Canada and on the East Coast.  They trade holds to start before standing off.  Delirious sweeps Omega to the mat and works on his leg.  Omega counters with a side headlock.  Shoulderblock by Omega.  Delirious with a side headlock takedown.  He drops Omega on the mat, then hits a back senton for two.


Omega blocks a charge, flips around, then connects with a dropkick for two.  Snapmare and dropkick by Omega for another near fall.  Omega with a chinlock on the mat.  Clotheslines by Delirious.  Enziguri by Omega.  He knocks Delirious off the apron with a big boot.  Omega slingshots over the top, but is caught with a headbutt.  Delirious with a top rope leaping lariat.  Strikes from Delirious.  He slaps Omega.  Omega rolls through a suplex.  Cobra Clutch attempt by Delirious, but he is driven into the corner.


Omega charges in the corner with an elbow, then drives Delirious into the mat for two.  Omega charges into a boot, then a dropkick to the back from Delirious.  He hits Panic Attack, but Omega knees him on Shadows Over Hell.  Electric Chair into a German Suplex by Omega for two.  Delirious avoids a strike and a Full Nelson, then applies the Cobra Stretch for the win.


Your winner, Delirious!


Highlights from a Roderick Strong-Erick Stevens chain match in FIP are shown.  Stevens won the FIP Title back.


Sara Del Rey vs. Jennifer Blake


Del Rey wastes no time in manhandling her opponent, brutally kicking her.  Blake with some brief offense, but she is tossed into the corner.  Headbutt by Del Rey.  She continues the pounding.  Blake with some shots in the corner, very weak looking chops.  Superkick by Blake.  Blake with an ugly looking suicide dive.  Blake goes to the top rope, but jumps into a boot.  Del Rey with an axe kick for the win.


Your winner, Sara Del Rey!


Daizee Haze makes the save after the match as Sweeney continues to rag on Canada.  He calls Go Shiozaki out for his match.


Go Shiozaki vs. Erick Stevens


This is a non-title match with a fifteen minute time limit.  Go powers Stevens into the corner, but can't get in the cheap shot.  Another lock up and Stevens gets Go in the corner this time.  He also misses a cheap shot.  Go and Stevens meet in the middle with shoulderblocks a few times.  Go runs through a chop and finally knocks Stevens down.  Stevens with an overhead belly to belly and Go bails.


Stevens follows to the floor with a chop to the chest.  He whips Go into the guardrail.  Stevens with some shots back in the ring.  Snapmare and elbows to the chest for two.  Side Russian from Stevens for two.  He applies the body scissors.  Stevens keeps the advantage with a couple shots.  Go avoids the Choo Choo and chops Stevens before putting him on the top rope and chopping him down to the mat.


More chops from Go.  He chokes Stevens in the ropes.  Sweeney gets a cheap shot in.  Go drives Stevens into the corner and stomps a mudhole.  Big running charge in the corner.  Stevens goes to the floor and Go follows.  Body slam on the floor to Stevens.  Go whips Stevens right into the front row.  They trade stiff shots on the with the guardrail separating them.  Stevens gets back in the ring, but Go puts him across the apron and pounds the back of his neck before connecting with a knee lift.  Go covers in the ring for two.


Chinlock by Shiozaki.  Stevens gets to his feet and gets out only to run into a Dragon Sleeper.  Stevens makes the ropes, but Go quickly drops a knee on him for two.  Kick to the mouth by Go.  Another chinlock to Stevens.  Stevens comes off the second rope, but Go counters with a dropkick.  They fight for leverage on the apron.  Stevens gets off the apron, sweeps Go's legs, then clotheslines him.


Stevens with a big shoulderblock off the second rope.  Back body drop to Go.  Stevens hits the Choo Choo this time, then follows with a Samoan Drop for two.  Go and Stevens trade chops.  Stevens gets an advantage, but eats a Superkick.  Go follows it up with a Fisherman's Buster for two and reapplies the Dragon Sleeper on the mat.  Stevens keeps the arm up when the ref lifts it, but Go keeps the hold applied while sitting on the back.  Stevens makes the ropes with one minute remaining.  Go looks for a moonsault, but Stevens gets up and crotches him.  Stevens goes to try for a Doctor Bomb off the top, but Go counters with a superplex as time expires.


The result is a time limit draw.


Stevens says the fans deserve better than a draw.  He wants five more minutes.  Sweeney says Go was signed for fifteen minutes and that's what he gave.


Lance Storm comes to the ring with a mic in hand.  Storm cuts a promo about leaving it in the ring, not demanding money.  If it's money he wants, he can leave Canada.  Sweeney stalls and Hero jumps Storm.  Stevens and Storm came back with a rolling Boston Crab and a Maple Leaf respectively.  Storm with a beautiful superkick, in jeans no less, on Hagadorn, then he soaks in the cheers.


Omega is in the back and he says he had a good first effort.  Titus makes another appearance.


Bryan Danielson vs. Claudio Castagnoli


Claudio gets Dragon to the ropes pretty quickly.  Danielson with a side headlock takedown.  Claudio counters.  Dragon gets the legs tied up.  Claudio blocks a Bow and Arrow attempt.  More reversals between the opponents.  Claudio forces a break.  Danielson controls the arm on the mat.  Yet more reversals.  Dragon avoids the Giant Swing.


Claudio forces Danielson to the mat for a couple of two counts.  Claudio tries to break the bridge, but Dragon maintains it.  The two trade monkey flips.  Very cool spot.  Claudio avoids an ankle hold and stands off with Danielson.  Some more mat wrestling between the two.  Danielson rolls over and briefly applies an arm bar.  Claudio makes it to his feet for the rope break.  Claudio and Dragon block each other's hip toss attempts.


Side headlock takedown by Claudio as Dragon does some heys to the crowd.  A couple of shoulderblocks and covers by Claudio.  Hip toss by Danielson and he goes after Claudio's arm, wrenching back for more pressure.  Claudio picks Danielson off the mat, but Dragon maintains the hold.  Wow.  Claudio lifts Danielson up again and gets him off his arm with a suplex.


Neckbreaker by Claudio for two.  Chinlock by Castagnoli.  Another cover for two.  European Uppercut to the back of Dragon's neck a couple times.  European Uppercuts from Claudio for two.  Claudio tries for a surfboard.  Danielson successfully blocks by making the ropes.  Claudio with a Torture Rack.  He drops to his knees for a backbreaker that nets him a couple of two counts.  


European Uppercuts by Claudio.  Danielson back with a dropkick.  Danielson dodges a charge and hits a running forearm.  Knee to Claudio's gut.  Running dropkick in the corner.  Danielson covers for two.  Dragon applies the surfboard.  , then brings Claudio's shoulders to the mat for two.  Running elbow from Danielson and Claudio goes to the floor.  Suicide dive from Dragon and Claudio goes into the crowd.  Dragon goes to the top rope, but Castagnoli avoids him and gives Dragon a Giant Swing.  Twenty rotations according to the crowd.  Running European from Claudio for two.


Danielson rolls off Claudio's shoulders and tries to lock in a cross armbreaker.  Danielson gets Cattle Mutilation cinched in.  Castagnoli makes the ropes.  Danielson delivers some elbows, but Claudio gets up and drives him into the corner.  Danielson avoids a German Suplex, but runs into a Bicycle Kick for two.  Danielson gets out of a Ricola Bomb attempt.  The two trade near falls.  Series of shots from Danielson.  He blocks a pop up European with a backslide and wins the match.


Your winner, Bryan Danielson!


Danielson gets on the mic and puts over how the company has been successful everywhere they have gone, thanking the Toronto fans for making the show a huge success.  He tells Claudio not to feel bad about the match because the fans call him the best in the world.  He even brings a fan in the ring to prove his point.


More from Rhett Titus in the back.  He has to show Bobby Dempsey his video.  Delirious walks up, but Rhett won't show him the video.


Rhett Titus makes his way to the ring.  He starts talking big and then Daizee Haze comes out.  She thought better of him.  He says he's been there and done that.  Sara Del Rey comes out and jumps Haze.  Sweeney runs off Titus.  Sweeney talks up Del Rey as she mauls Haze.  Delirious comes out to make the save.  He taunts Delirious about whether he would hit a woman.  Delirious covers Haze and takes the Axe Kick.  Delirious and Haze go to the back together.


Roderick Strong vs. Naomichi Marufuji


First time ever match up.  The two begin with reversals and trade cartwheels.  Strong takes Marufuji to the mat for a two count, then maintains a front face lock.  Marufuji escapes and gets his own cover before a standoff.  Early chop exchange between the two.  Marufuji goes for a superkick, but Strong avoids it.  More reversals on the mat.  Strong gets control, but Marufuji is able to stretch him.  Strong makes his way to the ropes and breaks the hold by a nose.


Side headlock by Marufuji.  Low dropkicks by Marufuji.  Snapmare for many one counts before Marufuji grabs the leg for two.  Cravate from Marufuji.  Snapmare and bootscrapes by Marufuji.  Marufuji dangles Strong in the ropes, goes to the floor, and connects with a running dropkick.  In the ring, Marufuji applies another cravate.  Strong escapes with a suplex.


Marufuji steps on Strong's face in the corner.  Strong catches Marufuji and drives him to the mat for two.  Backbreaker by Strong for two.  Roddy pounds Marufuji and continues to work the back for two.  Marufuji escapes a waistlock, but Strong knocks him down again for two.  Reverse bear hug on the mat by Strong.  Marufuji reaches the ropes, but Strong pulls his hand away and traps the arm.  Marufuji uses his nose as Strong did earlier.


Quick sunset flip by Marufuji gets two.  Russian Leg Sweep sends Strong into the turnbuckle.  Leaping back elbow in the corner by Marufuji, then he drives Strong into the corner face first with his knee.  Big clothesline and Marufuji covers for two.  Codebreaker by Marufuji for two.


Strong avoids a Shiranui and hits a backbreaker for two.  Superplex by Strong, but Marufuji no sells.  Running boot by Strong for two.  Superkick by Marufuji and both men are down.  Kick to the side of the head by Marufuji.  He puts Roddy in the tree of woe.  Marufuji climbs to the top and springboards coast to coast for two.  Chinbreaker from Strong, followed by a gutbuster and half nelson backbreaker for two.  Boston Crab by Strong.  Marufuji reaches the ropes.  Marufuji escapes a Gibson Driver with a rana, then drives Strong's face to the mat before getting a near fall with a superkick.  Backslide by Strong for two.  He gets another near fall with the Gibson Driver.  Marufuji rolls up Strong for two.  Butterfly Neckbreaker, feint superkick, and a Shiranui get Marufuji the win.


Your winner, Naomichi Marufuji!


ROH World Championship Match:  Nigel McGuinness (c) vs. Kevin Steen


Steen forces Nigel to the ropes on a lock up and blows snot on the champion.  Side headlock by Nigel.  It goes to the ropes and there is a clean break.  Nigel works on Steen's arm, then goes into a front facelock.  Steen twists Nigel's left ankle.  Nigel escapes and applies a wristlock.  He takes Steen down to the mat.  Snapmare and chinlock by Nigel.


Shot to the throat by Nigel.  The two exchange shots.  Steen walks away from the Jawbreaker Lariat, then taunts Nigel.  Kick to the gut and some Europeans by Nigel.  Steen knocks him down a couple times and Nigel bails.  Steen quickly follows and chops Nigel.  He covers Nigel with the flag and takes a shot.  Steen whips Nigel into the steel barricade.


Nigel recovers and tosses Steen off the barricade and into the ring apron.  Ouch.  In the ring, Nigel steps on Steen's back.  Dragon Kick by the champion.  Nigel gets a two count, then works on the back some more.  Steen goes for a Sharpshooter, but Nigel goes at the eyes.  Hard Irish Whip into the turnbuckle for two.  Nigel continues to work the back with every move he can think of.


On the floor, Nigel sends Steen into the ring post, hits him in the back with a hammer, and whips him into the guardrail.  Steen tries to comeback, but his face gets driven into a steel chair.  Nigel rolls him back in the ring for two.  Steen back into it with a forearm.  Punches by Steen.  He kicks Nigel in the chest, then splashes onto him with a cannonball for two.  He gets another two with a lariat.


Nigel avoids a package piledriver, but runs into a powerbomb for two.  Steen goes to the top, but Nigel meets him.  Steen avoids the Tower of London and turns Nigel over for the Sharpshooter.  Nigel makes the ropes.  I thought they went to that move too early.


Nigel goes after the eyes, then hits a Tower of London to the floor.  Nigel gets two when he rolls Steen back in.  Steen blocks a charge, but walks into a lariat for two.  Kick to the back and a clothesline to the chest by Nigel.  He places Steen on the top and hits another Tower of London for two.  Man, they do not protect that move at all.


Nigel applies a Sharpshooter, but Steen is able to get to the ropes.  Nigel crotches Steen on the top.  Steen ducks a lariat, gets off the rope, and knocks Nigel to the floor.  Nigel leaps to the top rope, then flips onto Nigel.  Steen rolls Nigel into the ring, but Nigel gets his knees up on the Swanton attempt.  Steen gets another Sharpshooter applied.  He pulls Nigel to the center of the ring, but Nigel eventually makes the ropes.


Steen with a superkick and a pumphandle neckbreaker for two.  Steen goes to the top again, but misses the moonsault.  Steen avoids the Jawbreaker with a clothesline, then nails a Package Piledriver for two.  A lariat by Steen gets another two.  Steen goes for one more Package Piledriver, but Nigel floats over and lariats Steen for two.


Short arm lariat by Nigel gets another near fall.  Nigel finally hits the Jawbreaker but it only gets two.  Small package by Steen gets two.  Nigel with another lariat.  He sits Nigel on the top again and connects with a lariat for the win.


Your winner, Nigel McGuinness!


Daizee Haze is in the back when Ruckus interrupts her promo.  "Daizee Haze...nice."


Non Title No DQ Match:  Age of the Fall (Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black) vs. Austin Aries & Jay Briscoe


Aries and Jay run right out and attack.  Jay goes after Black on the floor as Aries takes on Jimmy in the ring.  Aries sends Jimmy to the floor, then comes off the top with an axe handle as Jay kicks Black in the head.  Black is sent into the guardrail.  Jacobs sends Aries into the crowd.  Black and Jay trade forearms.  Jay whips Black into the crowd, then goes after Jacobs.


Aries with an elbow to Black, followed by some back rakes.  Aries jumps off the guardrail with an elbow drop.  In the ring, Aries directs traffic.  Jay chops Black.  Jay and Aries with simultaneous punches in the corner.  Necro comes out to assist Age of the Fall.  He kicks Aries in the face, then chokes him.  Black and Jacobs double team Briscoe.


Jacobs repeatedly punches Jacobs in the face.  Aries is dumped from the ring.  Black puts Jay on his shoulders.  Mark comes out to even the odds and superkicks Necro and Black.  He punches Necro in the corner, then gives Jacobs a big Spinebuster.  Aries gets some shots in, too.


The Briscoes charge Necro in the corner, then hit stereo kicks.  The Briscoes double team shoulder tackle Black right out of the ring.  Mark flips over the top and to the floor.  Aries drives a chair into Aries then sets it up.  He sits Aries down and punches him.  Jacobs gets in the ring and dives over the top, but Aries moves.  Aries with a suicide dive to Jacobs.  It's too dark to see which Briscoe is doing what.  Necro hits Jay with a sign on the floor.  Jacobs sends Aries into the guardrail.  Jacobs is sent into the crowd.  Mark sends Black back towards ringside, then throws some chairs at him.  Mark hits Necro with a chair.  Jay throws chairs onto Necro.


Side headlock by Jacobs to Aries.  He hits Aries with some lucky fan's cell phone.  The Briscoes double team Black in the ring and launch him out of the corner.  Necro comes from behind to hit Aries.  The Briscoes team for a springboard knee drop.  Necro breaks the pin up by hitting the ref with a chair.  Mark with karate thrusts and chops.  Mark charges and dropkicks a chair into Necro's face.  Necro throws a chair at Mark, then delivers a bulldog through a table.  Mark clutches his wrist.


Necro and Black go after Jay, who is busted open.  Mark is helped to the back.  AOTF triple team Jay.  Chairslam to Aries.  Jacobs bites at Jay's wound.  Aries and Jacobs bite Jay in the head as Black stomps Aries.  Jay tries to fight back, but the numbers get the better of him.  Aries also fails to fire back.


AOTF pound Jay.  Aries comes to his aid, but he is put down, too.  Tyler whips Jay into Necro's foot.  Jacobs and Necro send Aries face first into a chair that had been placed in the corner.  Jay tries to fire back again.  He knocks Black out of the ring and leaves Aries alone with Necro.  Aries tries to talk some sense, but Jacobs attacks with a chair.  


Jacobs wants the mic.  He tells Necro to get a piece of a table.  He asks Aries how it feels to be helpless, then tells Necro to earn his keep.  Jay attacks allowing Aries the chance to talk more sense.  Black interrupts and holds Aries.  Jacobs again tells Necro to take an eye out.  Necro wants no part of that.  Jacobs says he gives the orders.  Black lets go of Aries to help calm things down.  Necro throws the piece of the table down in disgust.


Jay throws a chair at Black.  Aries with an Implant DDT to Jacobs on the chair for two.  Aries pounds Jacobs in the corner as Necro leaves the ring.  Jay charges, then Aries hits a running dropkick in the corner, followed by a Big Boot from Jay for two when Black makes the save.  Enziguri by Black to Aries.  Black blocks the Jay Driller and drops Briscoe to the mat for two.  Jay drives Black into the turnbuckle, but walks into the End Time.  Jacobs takes the move to the mat.  Aries comes in and kicks Aries in the head, followed by a Brainbuster.  Aries goes to the top, but Black takes him down.  Jay puts Black on his shoulders and hits the Doomsday Device with Aries.  Jay Driller and this one is over.


Your winners, Austin Aries & Jay Briscoe!


Match thoughts:


Hero-Ruckus did a good job of heating the crowd up and getting over the knockout power of Chris Hero's elbow.


It's amazing how a fresh opponent makes Delirious' match so much more entertaining.  Omega had a good showing and would make a welcome addition to Ring of Honor.


I'm not really into Del Rey's new character/gimmick, and if they are getting her over as a monster, someone who has never been in ROH (I think) shouldn't be knocking her down, nor should Daizee Haze post match.


Good big man match between Go and Stevens, marred a bit by the predictable finish since they announced the time limit ahead of time.  Fun post match angle.


Really fantastic match between Danielson and Castagnoli.  Claudio had been so blah to me lately, so it came as a great surprise.  Both men looked really good here, and it is full of well done psychology.


I thought Marufuji and Strong put together a good match, but I had a few problems with it.  First, they kicked out of too many big moves in a first time match.  It would make sense at the end of a long feud, but it hurts both men's moves here.  Second, I hate the fighting spirit any time it is done.


The title match was the typical entertaining defense you get from Nigel every time out.  They had everyone in the crowd believing Steen could win.  I think ROH blew it a little bit with the build, since this really should have been Steen's first shot, but the crowd was super into it, and there were several big spots.


The main event will definitely satisfy plunder fans.  I liked it, but we see too much fighting in the crowd.  As a vehicle to further storylines, though, this was excellent.


Overall, thus was a very strong show.  The first hour was the freshest open to an ROH DVD in some time.  The second hour has a must see Castagnoli-Danielson match.  The final hour is mostly filled with two matches featuring the top stars of the company.  Definitely a must buy show.  The crowd really added something special throughout, and they lived up to the great card they were provided with.


For any questions or comments, email me at