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By Mike Johnson on 10/13/2015 8:31 AM
Official results from our huge 19th Anniversary Show that happened on Friday!
Max Morrison b. Chris Phoenix. Harvey Bower b. Jay Maynard. Matt Cage b. JJ Garrett, Jack Thriller, "The Littlest Viking" Jake Parnell & Hy-Zaya to earn a spot in the 2015 Ted Petty Invitational. Shark Boy, Slayde Sludge & Nate Webb b. Roscoe Eat Lisa (Mikey McFinnegan & Zakk Sawyers) & Nick Doepp. Insane Lane b. "Mr. Insanity" Toby Klein. Old School- Harry Palmer, Randi West, Cash Flo, Ox Harley & Corporal Robinson b. New School- Adam Bueller, Thunder Kitty, Dale Patricks, Josh Crane & Frank Wyatt in a 5 on 5 Survivor tag team match. Cash Flo made the pin on Dale Patricks to end the match. American Viking b. Andrew Hunter. Team Ian Rotten- Ian Rotten, JC Rotten, Gary Jay, Simon Dean (Nova) & Chris Hero b. Reed Bentley, Tripp Cassidy, Zodiak, Joseph Schwartz and Christian Rose. John Wayne Murdoch def “The Iron Demon” Shane Mercer to win the IWAMS World title. Directly following the match Reed Bentley cashed in his “Opportunity in a Box” contract that he won in June on Murdoch & won the IWA Midsouth World Title!!!! Reed Bentley is the new IWA Midsouth World Champion!!!!
We return to action, this Friday, for "All in The Family" - A benefit show for "Mean" Mitch Page who is currently out with a broken fibia and tibia
Slayde Sludge vs Nick Doepp, Shane Mercer vs. Cash Flo, Ian Rotten & JC Rotten to take on The Tryout Show Rejects, The IWA World Champion Reed By God Bentley and John Wayne Murdoch, Corporal Robinson vs. Aidan Blackhart, Gary Jay and Randi West taking on Joseph Schwartz and Thunderkitty!

All info can be found on the FB event page.